Gender Equality Learning & Capacity Building

Training program for organizations for the prevention of gender violence and discrimination

Project Introduction

Welcome to the Erasmus+ Gender Equality Learning and Capacity Building (GEL) project! Gender inequality and violence remain significant societal challenges, causing immense harm at every level. As highlighted by recent reports from the European Commission and the UN, social norms, and the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impede progress towards gender equality. Despite proactive legislation in Spain since 2004, violence against women persists, mirroring similar trends in Malta. In our GEL project, we believe that education is key to addressing these issues. Our project aims to develop innovative approaches and provide continuous professional development opportunities for those working to promote gender equality. Through GEL, we aspire to empower organisations to evolve with the times and tailor their teaching to the needs of their communities, driving real change towards a society free from gender-based violence and discrimination. Join us in our mission to create a more equitable and just world for all.

Project Number: 2022-2-ES01-KA210-ADU-000097247 

¿A quién va dirigido?

Profesionales de la educación en igualdad de género en el ámbito europeo


Sesión on-line

Próximas fechas

Inicio: junio 2023
Finalización: marzo de 2025

Aims and objetives

This project aims to work towards 3 concrete objectives that will prioritise the creation of new quality learning opportunities that increase civic engagement through common values, with a specific focus on the promotion of gender equality, inclusion and nondiscrimination.


CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Two week-long training programmes that will enable the teams to adopt new methodologies and approaches to working with people on the promotion of gender equality. These peer training programmes will act as a pilot and the contents will then be transformed into an online course accessible to all citizens interested in increasing their knowledge of gender equality.


TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP & COOPERATION. By collaborating transnationally we are building strong ties with our partner organisations. This is crucial if we are to tackle one of the fundamental areas of inequality in both countries and at European and global level. Having an ally with shared common values with whom you can learn from is invaluable for finding solutions and effective approaches.


GENDER EQUALITY AWARENESS & EDUCATION. Not only will we provide training and learning opportunities for the project partners but we also aim to create engaging learning experiences for people of all ages. This will be achieved through co-designed and co-delivered workshops during both training activities. Cultural events will be used to bring people together to participate in activities with common values. An online course will also spread awareness and information with a much wider audience thus democratising learning opportunities.

Based on these objectives we expect to achieve 5 principal results:
R1: Increased capacity and knowledge of staff in topics related to gender equality and sex education
R2: Strong Transnational Partnership for learning and cooperation projects
R3: Enhanced gender equality awareness and knowledge among the community
R4: Adoption of additional means of engagement: transnational element & cultural initiatives as a way to bring community together.
R5: Online open-access course on gender equality

Target groups

This project has been designed primarily with staff working in NGO ́s and Associations working in the field of gender equality and sex education in mind. In both Spain and in Malta, as in Europe generally, there continues to be worrying trends, attitudes and behaviours towards gender and thus, we are targeting those who work directly within their community so that the narrative on the topic of gender equality and inclusion can be transformed for the better.

More specifically, the PRIMARY TARGET GROUPS of the project are:

– Youth workers, educators, psychologists and sexologists working in gender equality and sex education organisations and associations. By focusing on these groups, we can ensure opportunities for the sharing of best practices, peer training and the exchange of experiences that are relevant to both countries in their work towards shared common European, inclusion, and gender equality.

Of course, apart from our primary target groups, our project also focuses on groups who will benefit directly from the project activities as well as those who can benefit indirectly from the results of our project and who might be interested in replicating the project in their respective centres or organisations or indeed signing up and taking our online open-access course.

The project at their respective institutions or organizations, or by signing up for our freely available online course. Additional target groups relevant to our project include:

  • Community members
  • Gender equality associations
  • LGBTQIIA+ associations
  • Organisations and NGOs
  • Families
  • Local administration and government
  • Policy makers
  • Educational centres and institutions
  • Professionals interested in learning more about gender equality

With this project we will provide staff training, have opportunities for collaborative work and the delivery of workshops as well as increasing levels of engagement in the topic of gender equality through the addition of cultural events. The online open-access course also enables us to widen our target group and attract people of all ages. All of this with the objectives of increasing awareness and education, and equipping those who will be working in this field with the tools and knowledge they need to progress gender equality within communities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Our partners

Asexórate, a non-profit organisation operating in the realm of Sex Education and the prevention of Gender Violence and sexual violence since 2001, champions the promotion and exercise of sexual and reproductive rights for all individuals. Committed to fostering a full, healthy, and risk-free sexuality through informed decision-making, Asexórate advocates for quality sexual and reproductive health services accessible to everyone, grounded in scientific sexological knowledge. Their initiatives include developing programmes focused on community and regional intervention, addressing gender violence in couples, and promoting positive relationships. Noteworthy projects include training programmes for professionals in Sexuality, initiatives like #QUIEREMEBIEN promoting positive couple relationships among adolescents and young people, and various funded programmes targeting comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care, attention to immigrant women, and sex education for young people. Asexórate works with diverse profiles including school-aged students, adolescents, migrant women, individuals with disabilities, and young people under judicial measures, alongside providing training to trainers, teachers, and educational professionals in sexual education.

Men Against Violence (MAV), established in 2014, initially formed as a coalition of NGOs and governmental agencies, challenges the traditional perception of domestic violence as solely a women’s issue, recognising it as a multifaceted problem requiring comprehensive solutions in which men can play a crucial role. Since its inception, MAV has conducted numerous programmes, campaigns, and school initiatives, including advocating for the Morning After Pill and supporting the pro-choice movement. Through collaborations with various partners, MAV has successfully implemented large-scale awareness campaigns involving local celebrities and professionals, leading to partnerships with government entities for televised public service announcements and educational initiatives. MAV’s efforts extend to teen dating violence prevention, providing knowledge and tools to recognise and prevent such behaviour, with a focus on strengthening individual skills, community education, coalition-building, organisational change, and policy influence. MAV’s work spans diverse age groups and backgrounds, with tailored training programs catering to learners aged 9 to 20, as well as providing awareness training in workplaces on sexual violence, gender-based issues, and domestic violence through partnerships with organizations like Men Engage Europe.

MERAKI, a non-profit organisation based in Valencia, Spain, established in 2018 by professionals with over 15 years of experience in education, technology tailored to education, and European projects, specialises in facilitating seamless transitions from traditional to online learning environments. With expertise in organisational management, project coordination, and learning processes, MERAKI emphasises accessibility to education as a catalyst for personal and social transformation. Their services range from providing individual support to organisations and educational institutions transitioning to digital environments to delivering high-quality training in digital tools, learning methodologies, and European cooperation. Currently engaged in a number of European projects, MERAKI’s activities encompass designing and adapting training, curriculum development, course delivery, and managing e-learning platforms. Targeting learners of all ages, MERAKI has trained over 100 schools in technology for education, collaborates with CEFIRE for continuous teaching across various educational levels, and offers counselling and training to organisations and professionals in digital transformation, internationalisation, and innovative educational methodologies both online and in-person.


    Responsable: ASOCIACION DE EDUCACION SEXUAL Y PLANIFICACION FAMILIAR DE CLM (ASEXORATE). Dirección: C/ BLASCO IBAÑEZ 46, BAJO, CP 02004, ALBACETE (Albacete). Finalidad: Sus datos serán usados para poder atender sus solicitudes y prestarle nuestros servicios. Publicidad: Solo le enviaremos publicidad con su autorización previa, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. Legitimación: Únicamente trataremos sus datos con su consentimiento previo, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. Destinatarios: Con carácter general, sólo el personal de nuestra entidad que esté debidamente autorizado podrá tener conocimiento de la información que le pedimos. Derechos: Tiene derecho a saber qué información tenemos sobre usted, corregirla y eliminarla, tal y como se explica en la información adicional disponible en nuestra página web. Información Adicional: Más información en el apartado POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD de nuestra página web.

    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them

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    Forma parte de un equipo de personas que trabajan por mantener y mejorar el derecho de todas las personas a tomar decisiones libremente sobre su sexualidad y reproducción.
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